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De allerliefste mama (The Sweetest Mum)

een bobbi boekje
Picture Book, Funny, and Mother's Day
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bobbi - De Allerliefste Mama (The Sweetest Mum)
Author/Illustrator: Monica Maas
Original language: Dutch
Series: bobbi Bear
Translated into English: not
Published: April 2017
Publisher: Kluitman
EAN: 9789020684315
Price: € 8.50 (HC)
Age: 2 - 5 years

De allerliefste mama sidepic
Last month again a new bobbi book was published, De Allerliefste Mama (The Sweetest Mum). So beautifully in time for Mother's Day, it can't be a coincidence! All moms and toddlers have so much fun with Monica Maas' books. Every childcare has the books on stand by, probably there is not a toddler in the Netherlands who does not know Bobbi.
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Are the bobbi rhyming stories original and brilliant? No, but in a way they are. The drawings are simple but sweet, Bobbi's adventures - so recognizable for toddlers - fit perfectly with their little toddler lives. But sweet, snuggly and cozy are important for little people!

3 bright shining stars for bobbi and his Sweetest Mummy, from all the snazzie mini-monsters and their mommies!