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The Amerigo surprise

to take to school
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Drawing & Colouring, and Sinterklaas
Amerigo surprise sidepic

What do you need?
a shoe box
a smaller box
4 toilet rolls
white paint and a paint brush or
white paper and / or cardboard
white crepe paper
red cardboard
paper strips, yellow and red
glue stick
hobby glue
permanent marker, black

Amerigo surprise sidepicll

J would like to make Amerigo, Sinterklaas' horse for the Sinterklaas surprise at school. Fun and not difficult at all, with two boxes and 4 toilet rolls. J immediately start painting, but that is not so easy!

The box is black and black is hard to cover with white paint. After painting and drying three times, we stick thick white paper on the boxes and that certainly looks more neat. We also cover the legs with paper. See for yourself which you prefer to use, paint or paper.

How to make Amerigo

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J starts painting enthusiastically, he gives the lid 3 coats.

But the paint does not cover the black, it doesn't look neat.

Cover the boxes and lid with cut out white cardboard.

Allow the glue to dry well, then check the edges using more glue.

Meanwhile make the legs and the tail of the horse

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Cover the toilet rolls in paper.

Let the glue dry well.

Roll crepe paper and snip it in like this.

Cut the last parts for the horse, a blanket, a bridle, ears and eyes

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Cut a red blanket of cardboard, score and fold it.

Mark it all around with yellow and stick on two crosses.

Stick the bridle together from red strips of paper.

Cut ears and eyes of white cardboard and colour them.

All the individual parts are made. Stick the blanket on the back (the lid), eyes en ears in place, then the bridle on the head and let the glue dry well

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Amerigo surprise home

Draw and colour black dots on the horse's body and head.

Stick the head on the body, stick the legs and the tail on the horse and you're all done!

Now just the poem ;)) Happy Sinterklaas celebration at school!