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De bevrijding van Het Stedelijk

a Book by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Dutch language, Picture Book, Art, informative and educational, Museum Book, and War and Peace
De bevrijding van het stedelijk homepage

De Bevrijding van het Stedelijk
Author: K. Schippers
Illustrator: Daan Remmerts - de Vries
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Released: February 2015
Publisher: Singel Publishers
EAN: 9789045117775
Price: € 12.75 (HC)
Age: from 6 years

De bevrijding van het stedelijk sidepic

We're always up for a new museum book, so we quickly bought De Bevrijding van Het Stedelijk (The liberation of the Stedelijk Musem in Amsterdam). Not only because we love the Stedelijk and the art they show, but also because the story is about an important period in Dutch history, the Second World War. We don't know much about how things went with the museum then, so we're curious!

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The story was written by K. Schippers (preudonym for Gerard Stigter) who visited this museum for the first time when the war had just ended and he was 8 years old. The stylish illustrations are by Daan Remmerts de Vries, they are the icing on the cake (sadly the book is not translated into English).

3 bright shining stars for De Bevrijding van het Stedelijk (The Liberation of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam), from the mini monsters!