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A walk

in our garden
Info, Waldorf crafts, Summer, Nature, and Learn while playing
Tuin sidepic
Tuin sidepicll

Our garden is often featured in the blogs on snazzie. Because we love to be outside a lot with the mini-monsters and we enjoy working with them in the garden. We sometimes have tea parties in the garden, sometimes we read, drink coffee or have a picnic or we are busy with the plants in our vegetable garden. All very pleasant to do and we are having lots of fun in passing that on to the mini-monsters.
Often we have discussed the dimensions of our garden already, our stamp garden, as we call it. Because even if it is a small city garden, fortunatelythere is enough space for lots of plants and shrubs. We show that to you today, because we are actually a bit proud of our work in the garden. (Middle photo Ivy - Hedera Helix)

So here we go ...

Vergeet mij nietjes forget me nots
Seringen lilacs
Bos hyancinthen blue bells

Forget-me-not - Brunnera macrophylla

Viburnum Tinus

Lilac - Syringa vulgaris

Blue Bell - Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Unfortunately, no vegetable garden this year! Last year we worked hard in it and for the first time we had such a bad result that we will pass this year. With pain in our hearts but sadly we have a slug infestation in the garden and they eat everything you plant. So gnawed on radishes, beets and carrots, only last year's tomatoes did moderatly well.

Moestuin midden
Bonen plantll

The mini-monsters have put in some herbs and plants in the veggie boxes and we planted the beans from the school project in it too, last May. They have gotten big pods now!


Fortunately our perennials with fruit like the raspberry, red currant, grapes and strawberries are growing very well! The fruit starts to develop or is ripe already, ready to be picked.

Eerste oogst 2020
Blauwe bes

The first harvest

The Blueberry is doing well but no berries again!


Snowberry - Symphoricarpos

Sugarplum - Amelanchier

Firethorn - Pyracantha

Tros rzen
Trosrozen roseslll
Trosrozen roseslll

Pink climbing rose - Rose - Rosaceae

Budding climbing rose

Climbing rose New Dawn


Digitalis foxgloves
Digitalis foxglovesll

Foxgloves - Digitalis Purpurea

Foxgloves - Digitalis Purpurea


Gelderse roos

Hortensia - Hydrangea in 3 fases

Hortensia - Hydrangea

Hortensia - Hydrangea

Guelder Rose - Viburnum Opulus

Pioen rozen
Pioen rozenll
Pioen rozenlll

Peony -- Paeonia

Peony - Paeonia

Peony - Paeonia


Columbine - Aquilegia vulgaris

Columbine - Aquilegia vulgaris

Columbine - Aquilegia vulgaris

Bellflower - Campanula

And then there are the roses - Rosaceae

Red roses rode rozen
Red roses rode rozenll
Red roses rode rozenlll
Roze roos pink rose
Rozen roses
What you see in the picture is far from everything that grows in our garden, we have so many different shrubs, plants and flowers and even some trees. We sometimes do not believe that there is anything that can be added, but then it usually can ;))
One thing you have to keep in mind when you start a garden: you can not hurry a garden, but if you are patient you will get there. To end cheesy (but very true) it is not the destination but the journey. We feel that certainly applies to gardening, the pleasure it has given us  and still does is priceless!
You may feel a bit left out if you do not have a garden. But next time we will show you a small balcony that is also lovely, gives a lot of joy en needs a lot less work. There's also something to be said in favour that!