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The Days

of Bluegrass Love
Reading Book, Romance, and Young-adult book and/or film

The days of bluegrass love is a beautiful coming-of-age book by Dutch author Edward van de Vendel. A first love is beautifully described, only it is not boy-girl love in this book, but boy-boy.

What all this entails for beautiful moments, intense emotions and problems has been described by Edward van de Vendel very sensitively and lovingly. A very special, moving and valuable book for every young person!

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The days of bluegrass love
Author: Edward van de Vendel
Series: 3 books
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English by: Emma Rault
Released: May 2022
Publisher: Levine Querido
ISBN13: 9781646140466
Price: € 19.99 (HC)
Age: from +/- 14 years and up

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3+ shining stars for The Days of Bluegrass Love, from all you snazzie readers!