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The First Moon Landing

In a Little Golden Book!
English language, Picture Book, Space, History, and informative and educational
The first moon landing home

The First Moon Landing
Author: Charles Lovitt
Illustrator: Bryan Sims
Series: My Little Golden Book
Original language: English
Published: april 2019
Publishers: Random House USA Inc.
ISBN13: 978052558007
Price: € 7.33 (HC)
Age: 7 years and up

On July 20 1969 the American Apollo 11 carried the first three astronauts to the moon. The first two people to walk on the moon were mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin, third . In the video above - from 2010 - you can see the real Buzz Aldrin, singing about the flight of his life!
The third astronaut was Michael Collins, commander of the Apollo Command and Service Module.
It was his job to circle the moon with the Apollo 11 while his colleagues were walking on the moon. Because he himself did not set foot on the moon, his name has remained relatively unknown compared to his two fellow astronauts.
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To commemorate the fact that the first moon landing took place 50 years ago, My little Golden Book About the First Moon Landing is a special part in the series (unfortunately only in English). The mini-monsters love the book!

2 beautiful golden stars for My little golden Book About the First Moon Landing!