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The February Garden

is very special this year!
Kitchen Garden, Info, and Winter
Februari tuin sidepic
Februari tuin sidepicll
Februari tuin sidepicll

On February 6 a lot of snow had fallen in the Netherlands, also in our garden. Here and there some branches protruded above, but most of it had disappeared under a thick, white layer.

Februari tuin 01
Februari tuin 02
Februari tuin 04
Februari tuin 03

It has been a long time since there was so much snow in the garden, especially when you are only 6 years old. A Snow Planet with BB8 on top was immediately built. Star Wars has not been forgotten here!

Februari tuin 05
Februari tuin 06
Februari tuin 07

There were many paw prints around the bowls with bird food. It had been very busy already, while we still lay nice and warm in our beds!

Februari tuin 08
Februari tuin 09

What fun in the garden, in these sad covid days! Normally when it snows we go straight to Blijdorp, to see how the animals are doing. We go to Arboretum Trompenburg, so beautiful with all those big old trees in the snow and to the Kralingse Bos, so lovely taking the sledge. None of that went through, either closed or too busy!

The mini monsters had a great time any way, playing outside in the snow!