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Greek Myths and Mazes

Find your way through mazes of Ancient Greece
Picture Book, History, Science, and Look and Find Book
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Greek Myths and Mazes
Author/Illustrator: Jan Bjatlik
Original language: Polish
Translated by: Zosia Krasodomska-Jones
Published: September 2019
Publisher: Walker Studio
EAN: 9781406387971
Price: € 11.99 (HC)
Age: 8 years old and up

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The mini monsters found Greek Myths and Mazes - a wonderful book by the Polish author/illustrator/graphic artist Jan Bjatlik - under the Christmas tree and they love it. The book is full of complicated labyrinths from ancient Greece, the illustrations are beautiful.

You have to find your way through the mazes and along the way you will encounter all kinds of well-known figures from the Greek myths. Fortunately, there is a clear explanation at the front of the book on how to find your way, because there are also puzzles to solve. Very entertaining and good for a lot of playing!

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A beautifully conceived and executed large format picture book that the mini monsters will enjoy for a long time to come. Warmly recommended!
3 bright shining stars for The Greek Myrtles by Jan Bajtlik, from the readers/players and the out-loud readers!