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The June garden

is so beautiful green!
Kitchen Garden, Info, Spring, and Sowing and planting
01. peterselie parsley
02. bieslook chives
03. tomaten tomatoes

The garden is at its best in June! Regular sunny hours alternated with rain showers, the plants and flowers have in ideal circumstances. Every day there is something new to see and in terms of surface area we really have a stamp-sized garden. We did plant our stamp-size-garden completely full, there was a large, empty clay surface behind our house when we moved in :))

Photos above: left: basil & flat parsley - middle: chives - right: cherry tomatoes

04. kruiden
05. aardbei strawberry
06. druiven grapes
07. framboos raspberry

The herbs are doing fine, they grow higher with each passing day and see how beautiful the strawberry plant looks. The raspberry grows in front of your eyes and the grapes are just getting the first leaves of the year.

We are still planting, cutting, weeding and sweeping every day. You are never done with a garden. Actually for a while it has been the turn of the grass and the hedge to have a trim, but it hasn't happened yet. We have planted some annuals in the flower pots already. The tiles are now free of weeds, so things are moving in the right direction.

But when the sun is shining so beautifully like it does now, you also want to just sit outside and enjoy it for a while.

08. naaktslak slug
09. duizedpoot centipede
10. naaktslakbabies slug babies

But when we lift the crate with new Daisies, Lobelia's and Tagetes, it is a bit of a shock! Two creepy garden dwellers appear and they are not so small. A slimy slug and a long centipede do not know how quickly they can disappear because these two - thankfully! - do not like the sunshine at all ^^

11. koolwitje
12. lieveheers beestje
13. slakje aalbessen
14. framboos raspberry

Fortunately, we do not only encounter creepy crawlers and flying horrors, the cabbage white is also a regular visitor, it flutters harmlessly from flower to flower. There is the ladybug, so sweet are the red shields with black dots. But actually also a small monster that swallows aphids in large numbers.

A small baby snail is very cute too, although soon he will - of course with a large army - eat the whole vegetable garden empty. But lucky for us the snails do not like the red currants, grapes or the raspberries, strange but they do not seem to like those. We happen to love them, so that's very convenient!

15. geranium geranium
16. viooltje violet
17. akelei columbine
18. akelei columbine purple

The geraniums are cozy in the pots, also filled up with blue lobelia's. We have violets left over from last year, they don't seem to be bothered by it ;) The Columbine is in bloom, the pink ones are the first, the purple follow at their heels. Both colours are equally beautiful, it would be an impossible task to choose.

19. snowball %28viburnum%29
20. rode roos red rose
21. klimroos climbing rose

The snowball (Viburnum Opulus Roseum) is now blooming beautifully. We have an orange/pinkish rose growing against the fence and we have white climbing roses, they grow against the hadge. The dark red rose has many buds, still budding but that will get better soon!

The same goes for the small pink climbing roses, the climb against the shed. It won't be long before all the roses bloom. Also the white climgbing rose and the fuchsia-pink rose have lots of bud buds, but not yet as far along as the other rose bushes. But it won't be long now.

22. boshyacinth bluebells
23. pioen peonie
24. pioenen peonies
25. vingerhoedskruid digitalis
The Bluebells still wander all over the garden, popping up everywhere. In the front and in the backyard, their blue colour is so stunning! On the second picture the peony, every year we have more! You wouldn't say it now, but next month you will see a completely different picture.


26. hortensia
Tuin 27
Tuin 28
Finally, a pic of our gigantic hydrangea, buds in abundance, which later on will have the most beautiful pink flowers and also two glimpses into the garden, to show you how quickly everything grows and blooms in the last month of spring. This is it already for June, we hope for many sunny spring days and ...

we're happy see you again in July!