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De Kikkerbilletjes van de Koning

a collection of modern Dutch Fairy Tales
Dutch language, Picture Book, Reading Book, Illustrated, Funny, and Fairy Tales
De kikkerbilletjes van de koning homepage

De Kikkerbilletjes van de Koning
Author: Janneke Schotveld
Illustrator: Thé Tjong King and others
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: October 2018
Publisher: Van Holkema & Warendorff
EAN: 9789000364893
Price: € 19.99 (HC)
Age: 7 years old and up

De kikkerbilletjes van de koning sidepicll
We have known for a long time that Janneke Schotveld writes fun children's books! From the adventures of De Dappere Ridster (The Brave Knight Girl), among others. We didn't know yet that she also writes funny, beautiful modern fairy tales. We are reading that now, in De Kikkerbilletjes van de Koning (The King's Frog Legs, sadly not available in English). There are 15 beautiful, modern fairy tales in this thick book.
Do you know what else is great about this book? A lot of well-known illustrators have contributed to it. Just to mention all 15 names: MMartijn van der Linden, Marieke Nelissen, Thé Tjong-Khing, Linde Faas, Alex de Wolf, Milja Praagman, Peter Paul Rauwerda, Georgien OverwaterLisa van Winsen, Marijke Klompmake, Pyhai, Djenné Fila, Kees de Boer, Marja Meijer en Annet Schaap. It's fun to see if you can tell from the pictures who made them!
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We have not yet finished the entire book, but so far the monsters from young to older find the stories funny, cool and sometimes a little moving. These fairy tales provide a lot of food for discussion, another thing we like to do at snazzie. You live in the Netherlands or you do not! ;))

3 bright winkling stars for De Kikkerbilletjes van de Koning (The King's Frog Legs), from the young listeners and their readers!