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De kleine banketbakker

the best kids cookbook ever!
Dutch, Dutch language, and Cook Book

Cees Holtkamp is an Amsterdam pastry chef, famous everywhere in the Netherlands and last year we discovered his excellent cookbook De Banketbakker (The Pastry chef). Sadly it is not available in English. Now he has written a cookbook for children in the same style, which is excellent too!

Cees is not difficult, he puts all his delicious recipes, savory and sweet, a bit retro and really tasty, on youtube too! We like to look at his video's because his explanation is straight to the point and no nonsense, that's what we love about him!

De kleine banketbakker
Author: Jonah Freud, Cees Holtkamp
Photos: Ronald Hoeben
Original language: Dutch
translated: not
Published: September 2013
Published by: De Kookboekhandel
ISBN13: 9789080568471
Price: € 15.00 (HC)
Age: 5 years and up

Unfortunately only available in Dutch

Would you like to meet Cees Holtkamp himself onlin, baking together with his dear grand-daughter Stella? Just look here. You'll find a lot of video's where the master patissier gives you very clear instructions. Have fun with his recipes and / or buy that book! It's a wonderful gift for a (grand) child who loves to cook and bake.

3 bright shining stars for De kleine banketbakker (The Little Patissier), from the snazzie mini-monsters!