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De Koning bakt een huis

a Children's Book Week Picture Book
Dutch language, Picture Book, Funny, and King's Day
De koning bakt een huis homepage

De Koning bakt een huis
(The King builds a house)

Author/Illustrator: Annemarie van Haeringen
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: October 1996
Publisher: CPNB foundation
EAN: 9789074336307
Price: €14.95 (HC)
Age: 6 years old and up

De koning bakt een huis sidepicll
For King's Day we read to our little ones an old but very sweet Children's Book Week picture book, which has been on the shelf for years. The book is called The King Bakes a House and it is written and illustrated by Annemarie van Haeringen.
The story is about King Elephant and Bare Toad and it is a very special story! Long ago, all animals spoke with each other and were good friends.But there was 1 animal in King Elephant's kingdom that was never there, when all the animals came together, Who was that one animal? It was Bare Toad.
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De koning bakt een huis 02
De koning bakt een huis 03
De koning bakt een huis 04
Nude Toad preferred to stay in his own house, warm and cozy he was always busy with pottery baking, his hobby. Until King Elephant thought: Everyone needs friends to have fun together, including Nude Toad! So he came up with a very clever plan to get Nude Toad out of his home. Did King Elephant's plan work? Duh!
3 fat, cheerful stars for De Koning bakt een huis (The King bakes a house), from the little monsters and their readers!