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Koning van Katoren

is awarded the Golden Stylus in 1972
Dutch language, Reading Book, King's Day, and Exciting
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Koning van Katoren
Author: Jan Terlouw
Illustrator: Dirk van der Maat
Series: 2 parts, Quest in Katoren
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Released: January 1971
Publisher: Lemniscaat B.V.
ISBN13: 9789060690888
Price: €16.99 (HC)
Age: from 12 years and up

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De Koning van Katoren is an incredibly popular book, written by politician Jan Terlouw, Member of Parliament for D66. The story is exciting, funny and once you start you want to read it quickly. It has everything a good book should have and that is evident from the fact that our book is the 58th edition from 2011 ><

The beautiful illustrations are sparse in this book, they are made by Dirk van der Maat. His drawings fit perfectly into the 1970s, the time the book came out. Not dated, but an image of the era through hair and Stach's clothing. The color cover is especially beautiful, but we also love the gray drawings in the book.

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At the top right you can read the summary of the book and in the bookshop you can find different versions of the book, cheaper in hardcover and paperback or as an audiobook. If you don't want to buy it, it will definitely be in the library. Read it because this book is Dutch YA literature with a capital L.
3 radiant stars for Koning van Katoren (King of Katoren), from the Snazzie mini monsters!