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The tastiest caramel sauce

is homemade
Autumn, Side Dishes, and Sauces
Karamel saus sidepic

Shopping list
300g caster sugar
60 ml water
240 ml double cream
60g butter
pinch sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

a well-closable jar

Karamel saus sidepicll

Today we are making caramel sauce because tomorrow we'll be baking Banoffee pancakes. This delicious caramel sauce is part of an American (high-calorie!) recipe. You can keep this sauce well in the refrigerator and it is also delicious on vanilla ice cream and pastries. The sauce is not difficult to make, but you have to keep an eye on it and be careful that it doesn't burn. Only stir after adding the cream!

How to make caramel sauce

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Karamel saus 02
Karamel saus 03
Karamel saus 04

Cut the butter into cubes.

Put sugar and water in a pan.

Bring it to the boil.

Wait for it to colour a golden caramel.

Remove the caramel from the heat

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Karamel saus 06

Gently stir in the butter and the cream.

Pour the caramel sauce into a sealable jar.

Allow the caramel sauce to cool completely , stir it now and then and keep it in the fridge