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The kitchen garden

how is it doing?
Kitchen Garden, Info, Waldorf crafts, Sowing and planting, Harvesting, and Learn while playing
Moestuin juni sidepic

What is edible and growing in Snazzie's garden?
Red currants; White grapes; Raspberries;
Blueberries; Strawberries.

Cucumbers; Tomatoes; Radishes;

Sage; Basil; Chives;
Flat parsley

Moestuin juni sidepicll

All goes very well in the vegetable garden, everything grows mega fast! Only the strawberries are disappointing, lots of green but little strawberry, very unfortunate. But ... the first fruit has already been harvested and that is not at all disappointing :)

Photo top left: Red currant     Top right: Strawberry

Moestuin juni 01
Moestuin juni 02
Moestuin juni 03
Moestuin juni 04

Red currants in abundance, in total we harvest 3 of these bowls!

For the kids we place the tart currants overnight in a little sugar.

The cucumbers are getting nice and plump.

The first blueberries and the raspberries are ready to pick.

Moestuin juni 05
Moestuin juni 06
Moestuin juni 07

The Albert Heijn sunflower radiates colour!

The raspberry gives berries every day.

The birds like our blueberries too.

Moestuin juni 08
Moestuin juni 09
Moestuin juni 10
Moestuin juni 11

The mini-grapes on the outside have been looted by birds already.

The radishes are doing well, they need just a little patience.

The tomatoes grew into a wildenis, it promises a great harvest!

Parsley we pick often and much, it grows back very fast.

Moestuin juni 12
Moestuin juni home

The sage, chives and basil are always at hand, so handy.

There are no carrots in sight, maybe the shade of the raspberry is the problem.

We need to have a little patience before we can harvest in full, but for now the kitchen garden looks very healthy!