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The prettiest Fairy Cakes

for the best Mum
British, Cupcakes, Pastry, and Mother's Day
Fairy cakes sidepic

Shopping list
125g butter (room temperature)
125g fine sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 free range eggs (room temperature)
2 tablespoons milk (room temperature)
125g self-raising flour
glaze and decoration
300g icing sugar
2 drops lemon juice
1 tiny drop of red food colouring
fondant icing, in pastel colours
edible glitter

Fairy cakes sidepicll

For Mum we want to bake the most beautiful cakes and today it wont be cupcakes. In England Fairy Cases are very popular and we love those. The mini-monsters want the cakes to be pink, preferably with hearts ;)) But butterflies are also very pretty, especially if they also have glitter on top, so that's what we do. Bake the cakes first, then you can make the decorations while they cool.

How to make Fairy cakes

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Beat sugar and butter until creamy.

Beat the eggs in, one by one.

Add the vanilla and mix it in.

Beat until you have a creamy mixture.

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Sieve the flour into the mixture.

Fold it in quickly.

Stir in the milk too.

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Put the cases in the baking tin.

Fill the cases up to 3/4.

Bake the cakes for 15-20 minutes.

Let cool in the mold for 5 mins.

Allow the cakes to cool completely on a wire rock

How to make the icing

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Sift the icing sugar.

Add tablespoon(s) water and drops of lemon.

Stir the glaze until a thick liquid.

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Add drops of food colouring.

Stir it firmly into the icing.

Spoon icing over the cakes.

Allow the icing to dry.

How to make Butterflies out of fondant icing

Sprinkle icing sugar on a baking mat

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Roll the fondant icing thinly.

Cut out butterflies.

Decorate the butterflies with dots.

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Fairy cakes home

Stick the butterflies on the cakes with a drop of water.

Sprinkle glitter on the butterflies.

Happy Mother's Day!