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Picture Book of the Year 2013 is ... Nog 100 nachtjes slapen

The National Reading Days start today!
Birthday, Dutch language, Funny, and Picture Book of the Year
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Nog 100 nachtjes slapen
Author/Illustrator: Milja Praagman
Series: Picture Book of the Year
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: January 2011
Publisher: CPNB National Reading Days
EAN: 9789025857127
Price: €5.75 (HC - mini edition)
Age: 3 years and up

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The Picture Book of the Year for 2013 is called Another 100 Nights of Sleep and it was created by Milja Praagman. It is a cheerful, recognizable book for preschoolers. It always takes very long for your next birthday to come along! But Dorus has found a solution for this problem!

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During the Dutch National Reading Days, the picture book of the year is read aloud at almost every school in the Netherlands and a good thing too! This is a very funny book that our mini monsters also want to hear often.

We always look forward to the occasion because on our school the parents are invited to come by. to listen or to read to the class, which is a lot of fun for kids and parents. Those are happy days!

Have a lovely time during the Dutch National Reading Days!