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2 new Amelia Fang books

is not that fun?
English language, Halloween, Reading Book, Funny, and Exciting
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Amelia Fang and the Half-Moon Holiday
Amelia Fang and the lost Yeti treasures

Author/Illustrator: Laura Ellen Anderson
Series: 5 books
Original language: English
Published: March 2019 / October 2019
Publishers: Egmont UK Ltd
ISBN13: 9781405292092 / 978140529392
Price: € 8.99 / € 9.99 (Paperback)
Age: 7 years and up

The latest book in the Amelia Fang series - Part 5 - is called The Lost Yeti Treasures, and it's just in time for Halloween. Part 4, Amelia Fang and the Half Moon Vacation are still enjoyed by the mini-monsters here too.

Last year we already wrote about Emila Fang because the books are very funny, sometimes exciting and always grose! The mini=monsters really like to read about all those grose things a vampire girl eats. :)))

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Don't forget to check Laura Ellen Anderson's website on which she writes an Amelia Fang blog with all the latest news. There you can read all about the next book Amelia Fang and the Naughty Caticorns which will be published on February 20 in 2020 already!

3 bright shining stars for the Amelia Fang series!