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The November Garden

is still worth the trouble
Kitchen Garden, Info, and Winter
Oktober komkommers sidepic
Oktober frambozen sidepicll
Schone potten sidepiclv

There is still a lot to see in our November garden! On the photos at the top you see the last harvest of 2021. But the photo's were taken at the end of October. Now the Cucumbers and Raspberries have been cleaned up and trimmed. But even though we no longer harvest, in our November garden you can see beautiful inedible berries, which we also love.

The garden chairs are neat and clean stored in the shed and the parasols are already packed, for when winter sets in. All flower pots and saucers are clean, ready to be filled with seeds and plants again, in the spring.

01. vuurdoorn
02. spin
03. sneeuwbes
04. dwerg mispel

The dark red berries of the old-fashioned Firethorn (Pyracantha) are secretly a favorite. The Firethorn is pruned in July/August, but we skip a year. The pruning was quite drastic last year. This spider has been living in the Firethorn since September, it has grown considerably since.

The Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) is also beautiful, the berries are stark white. The bush requires little maintenance. It is only pruned when the twigs become too long and thin. Then cut it short and wait until it comes up nicely full again.

The Dwarf medlar (Cotoneaster Dammeri) is actually a ground cover, but here it grows against the fence ;)) and so nice, you don't have to prune it.

05. krentenboom
06. vlinderstruik.
07. phlox

The Currant Tree is beautiful with its leaves changing colour, it grows high above the eaves of the shed. The Butterfly Bush (Buddleja Davidii) has finished flowering but has to wait to be pruned until March - April. After the Phlox has finished flowering it is not yet ready to be cut off. It has to wait until the first severe frost. When it passed you cut the Phlox short, to just above the ground.

08. skimmia
09. pinus
10. dennetje
11. bonte liguster

The Skimmia Japonica Rubella looks very beautiful this time of year, the dark green leaves with the red of the tiny berries in between. The mini Spruce and mini Pine always brighten up when it gets colder and the Variegated Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense 'Variegatum') gives light, on dark November days.

12. sneeuwbal
12. cyclaam

The snowball bush (Viburnum lantana) needs almost no pruning at all. If you do want to prune, do it in the spring, after flowering. Finaly; a beautiful autumn surprise to us, unexpectedly a tiny cyclamen blooms between the herbs!