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The ox and the donkey

you make them from felt
Waldorf crafts, Wool Felt, Natural materials, Needlework, Christmas, and Celebrations around the World
De os en de ezel sidepic

What do you need?
printed and cut out pattern
red-brown and light gray wool felt
matching colors of embroidery thread
sheeps wool filling
black embroidery thread
embroidery needle
pair of scissors

De os en de ezel sidepicll

Today we are making the ox and the donkey for our nativity scene, from felt. We first download and print the pattern and then cut out the various parts. It is not a difficult job, with the photos below you can see exactly how to proceed. We sew the animals closed all around with the blanket stitch and we have done that before ;)) so that is easy peasy!

How to make an ox and a donkey

De os en de ezel 01
De os en de ezel 02
De os en de ezel 03
De os en de ezel 04

Pin the pattern parts on the felt.

Cut out all the loose parts.

Pin the parts together.

Tie on the embroidery yarn.

  • Cut off a short thread of embroidery yarn and tie a knot on one end
  • Place it in between the two parts of felt and sew it on while sewing the ox together
De os en de ezel 05
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Sew the parts together using the blanket stitch.

Leave the bottom open and keep thread on.

Do the same with the donkey.

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Pin both bottoms on felt.

Cut both of the parts out.

Fill up both the bodies.

Pin the underside on the bottom.

Sew the underside of both the animals closed using the blanket stitch all aroud

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Pin ears and horns on felt.

Cut out all the parts.

Sew the ears together.

Sew ears and horns on the ox.

De os en de ezel 16
De os en de ezel homepage

Sew ears on the donkey and embroider eyes on both heads.

The eyes are made by 3 tiny stitches on top of each other.

See the animals sitting cozily in the stable, how to make the stable will be online next week!