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De Rijke uren

van Jacominus Gainsborough
Dutch language, Picture Book, Reading Book, Philosophy, and Art
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De rijke uren van Jacominus Gainsborough
Author: Rebecca Dautremer
Illustrator: Rémi Bezançon
Co-illustrator: Rebecca Dautremer
Original language: French
Translated into English: not
Published: October 2018
Publishers: Davids Fonds Infodok
EAN: 9789059089495
Price:  € 19.99 (HC)
Age: 12 years and up

In The Rich Hours of Jacominus Gainsborough by Rebecca Dautremer, the life story of a little rabbit is philosophically told and portrayed in beautiful illustrations by Rémi Bezançon and Rebecca Dautremer.

Main character Jacominus is not the best, biggest or strongest rabbit, but he later wants to become a philosopher and he learns from everything he experiences. We will follow him from birth to dead.

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The translation by Edward van de Vendel (as always of a class of it's own), is not easy with this book! Three stars is not enough for this extraordinary fabulous book, a book that you will keep thinking about it for a long time.

3+ brilliant stars for The Rich Hours of Jacominus Gainsborough, from our eldest mini-monsters!