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De Scheepsjongens van Bontekoe

Three Boys and an unforgettable adventure
Dutch language, Reading Book, Illustrated, Funny, informative and educational, Classic, and Adventurous
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De Scheepsjongens van Bontekoe
Author: Johan Fabricius
Illustrator: Dick de Wilde
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published 7th edition - 1985
Publisher: Leopold
ISBN: 90 258 3453 1
Price: € 15.00 (HC)
Age: 10 years old and up

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De scheepsjongens van Bontekoe is a special book by the special Dutch writer/illustrator/journalist and adventurer Johan Fabricius (1899-1981) and was first printed in 1924. That is how we would like to describe the book in which we are starting today. Johan Fabricius was the writer of 106 books, but he was also a world traveler.

The book has been reprinted countless times since it first appeared and it is still a popular read. It is a historical book about a captain who really existed and really made this journey. But otherwise it only has a few points of contact with reality, the rest is the writer's imagination.

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The many detailed black and white illustrations as well as the beautiful cover of the book were created by Dutch illustrator Dick de Wilde (1905-1994). His illustrations provide a lot of atmosphere and insight into the story for young people, because daily life was very different for their peers at that time. A beautiful book!
(Sadly this book is not available in English)

3+ nostalgic shining stars for De scheepsjongens van Bontekoe (The ship's boys of Captain Bontekoe), from the young readers and their out-loud readers!