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The September Garden

has a lot of berries
Kitchen Garden, Info, and Autumn
01. frambozen
02. frambozen ll
03. frambozen lll
04. blauwebes

September has just started and today is a gloomy day in the garden. Drizzling rain showers with suddenly, completely unexpected, sunshine in between! You can see that autumn is coming because the flowers are no longer shining like in July. Fortunately, there is still a lot to see.

The fruit is doing very well! The raspberries are tough and they show it. Last year we quickly picked the last ones at the end of November. They keep creating new buds and the bumblebees are so happy about that! The blueberry has also done its best, we picked the first harvest and there is more to come.

05. tomaten
06. tomaten
07. komkommer
The tomatoes are finally getting serious, but better late than never! We remove leaves and move the pot to a sunnier place. Hopefully the tomatoes will turn red a little faster then, because we see more of them every day. Very nice for the mini monsters, they had to practise so much patience. Finaly their long wait pays off!
08. komkommer
09. komkommer
10. spin

The cucumbers keep on giving. They should be mini cucumbers but they grow in a very high tempo! No complaints because with toddlers and preschoolers it is nice if things go a little faster. Moreover, the plants have beautiful yellow flowers, before the cucumbers arrive. The strawberries are on the last round and they have a new resident. Leggy and large, he sits imperturbably on a leaf, beautiful for the photo.

11. slak
12. hommel
13. naaktslak
Lege cel...
14. witte roos
15. acacia
16. vlinderstruik
17. phlox

The white climbing roses still bloom but also less exuberantly, just like the Hydrangea, but we'll see that later. The Acacia is getting it's leaves late but it is also the last to lose them. It is still fresh and green.

The butterfly bush has almost finished flowering, but there are always a few late bloomers left ;)) The Phlox is a completely different story, it stands in all its glory.  The flowers are facing downwards today, they are very have with rain. But they give the dark garden a boost of light.

18. phlox
19. hortensia
20. hertshooi

A close-up of the Phlox should not be missed, the flowers are so beautiful! A flower of all small flowers and radiant white. The pink of the Hydrangea is fading a bit, the flowers are not so firm anymore, but still beautiful. The St John's Wort berries are a reddish brown now!

21. dwergmispel
22. duizendknoop
23. viburnum
24. sparretje

The berries on the Cotoneaster are already growing big, but it will take a while before they start to colour. The Knotweed flowers for a long time and it remains beautiful. The Viburnum has almost had the second bloom, then it will bloom again in January. The little spruce loves the rain and the cold, it's not cold yet but with 1 out of 2 you can't complain ;)

25. rode roos
26. lobelia
27. geranium

A single flower blooms in the red rose, also not as pretty as in juli. The Lobelia is an annual but it is a strong little plant, it still blooms happily on. It's little blue flowers give a lot of pleasure during summer until late in te fall. The geraniums still have plenty of buds, so they will continue for a while longer too.

28. oranje roos
29. sneeuwbes
The orange rose is still blooming, but the snowberry is beginning to make it's berries. The tiny pink flowers slowly change into small green balls then they turn into beautiful the white berries, here and there you see some already. The bumblebees are taking advantage for as long as it lasts, because the berries are already advancing!
Next month the Autumn garden, see you then!