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De sterrekindertjes

A special fairy tale
Dutch language, Picture Book, Waldorf Books, and Fairy Tales
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De sterrekindertjes
(The star children)
Author: Heleen van Egmondt
Illustrator: Freddie Langeler
Original language: Dutch
translated into English: not
Published: September 2004 (12th edition)
Publisher: Kluitman Alkmaar
EAN: 9789020686685
Price: € 15.00 (second hand, HC)
Age: 4 years old and up

De sterrekindertjes sidepicll

De Sterrekindertjes is a very beautiful picture book, made by Freddie Langeler, written entirely in rhyme and it is beautifully illustrated. When children go to sleep, the Star Children get up. They light their lanterns and start playing, spread all over the sky.

Just look up in the dark, there are a lot of them. We down here can't see the Star Children, they're too far away. But you can see the lit lanterns, just look up very carefully!

De sterrekindertjes 01
De sterrekindertjes 02
De sterrekindertjes 03

Look how much fun it is to be a Star Child, sometimes they ride in a carriage pulled by two horses. They sail in a boat or ride on a big bear. What fun up there! But there is also a lot of work going on, because with their lanterns they bring light into our dark night. Beautiful!

3 clear shining stars for De Sterrekindertjes (The Star Children), from the younglisteners and their readers!