De strijd om Troje & Odysseus
Author: Simone Kramer
Illustrator: Els van Egeraat
Series: The Greek Antiquity (3 parts)
Original language: Dutch
Translated by: not
Published: February 2019
Publisher: Ploegsma
ISBN13: 9789021679396
Price: € 22.99 (paperback)
Age: 12 up to and included 100 years old
We read a great book by Simone Kramer: The battle for Troy, a beautifully written series of exciting stories. They are retold myths from ancient Greece, made accessible and understandable for children. Greek Antiquity at its most exciting!
In part 1 of this book everything passes, infidelity and betrayal; jealousy and envy; greed and abuse of power; death and destruction, under the all-seeing eye of the Greek Gods (often also with their help).
The second part of the book is about the hero Odysseus. During his wanderings on his way home he experiences all kinds of adventures. He meets sirens, a sorceress, a Kykloop and other monsters. It will take a while before he comes home ;)
The graceful black & white illustrations in this book are by Els van Els van Egeraat. With a few strokes of her pen she puts a noble hero, a beautiful princess or a rearing horse on paper. But just as beautiful and interesting are her drawings of a storm at sea, a bloody battle and nasty monsters like the Kycloop. Her drawings are modern but a perfect match with the atmosphere of the stories!
3+ stars for De Strijd om Troje (The battle for Troy), from our young adult readers!