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The Trompenburg Gardens

are at their best in Spring!
Info, Spring, Vacation and Weekend Trips, and Nature
Trompenburg tuinen sidepic

Trompenburg, gardens and arboretum
Honingerdijk 86 (below)
3062 NX Rotterdam

Phone: 010 – 233 01 66
Email: tuin@trompenburg.nl

Opening hours April to October
Monday: 12.00 - 17.00 hrs
Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 5pm

More information

Trompenburg tuinen homepage

With the Rotterdampas you can visit the Trompenburg Gardens in Rotterdam for free (or with a discount) and they are at their best in spring! With such lovely Spring weather you can find us here often! The flower bulbs are now above the ground everywhere you look, in the most beautiful colours. The red tulips are brilliant in the sunshine.

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The beautiful, old apple tree has an abundance of blossoms and the Magnolia is also in bloom.

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The sun is shining cheerfully today and there are all kinds of unique tulips to admire. We see forget-me-nots in bloom everywhere, spread out under the plants and with the beautiful sunny daffodils it feels like we are really in full spring.
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Everywhere in these gardens there are benches and seating areas with a view of the most beautiful trees, shrubs, plants and flowers. We now look out on the roses and rhododendrons. Everything is equally beautiful, clean and well maintained. The ponds and streams with all kinds of funny bridges make it so much fun to walk around here.

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We walk past the sheep and the aviary and then head towards Het Theehuis, where you can drink delicious tea and coffee outside (or inside if the weather is wet). They have delicious cake or brownies or opt for a light lunch, if you prefer. With the children at school it is so quiet here! It's also nice, we laugh not as much but is is very relaxing!

Happy Spring!