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The garden in August

an update
Kitchen Garden, Info, and Summer

Our garden has undergone another metamorphosis in August. Some plants that bloomed profusely last month are now done with it. Others are just now entering an exuberant flowering period. In particular, the Hydrangea and the Butterfly Bush (the photos can be seen at the bottom of this blog) are at their best now! On the whole, the August garden is rather beautiful again!

Aardbeien 01
Aardbeien 02
Frambozen 02

The strawberry plant (in a pot) is doing its very best, the strawberries are beautifully red and taste nice and sweet. We only have 1 plant so harvesting seems too big a word for it. But the mini monsters do love to cut the strawberries off.

The raspberry bush has grown so big, it is quite a search between all the leaves and the prickly stems. On the other hand, we can pick just about a small box of raspberries, every day. The kids also pick the lower raspberries, we do the top ones ourselves.

Frambozen 03
Blauwe bessen 01
Tomaten 01
Tomaten 02

The blueberries are finaly ripening, meanwhile one by one they still are disappearing every now and then. We suspect the birds of it, but irrefutable evidence for this is still lacking ;)) The tomato plants also grow out of the pot, on all the branches appear yellow flowers which form on a truss. We see here and there a few green plum-tomatoes, hopefully we see them colouring red now real soon!

Schildwants 01
Sneeuwbes 01

There are still all kinds of insects in our garden. Green Bugs live in the raspberry. In the photo in the middle you can see the snowberry, which is already developing berries for the winter while it is blooming! Because we live close to the water, every now and then a Dragonfly flies over. This Dragonfly in the photo lingered for hours like this, we were able to photograph the ceature extensively.

Witte rozen 01
Acacia 01
Vlinderstruik 01
Vlinderstruik 02
The white climbing rose is still blooming and it keeps forming new buds. The Accacia is full of whirling, fresh green leaves. It is the last tree to come into leaf after winter. And in the back of the garden we have the Butterfly Bush. The flowers do their job, they attract the butterflies.
Hortensia 01
Dennenboom 01
Eenjarigen 01

Next to the Buddleja the Hydrangea blooms, they have the same pace and bloom together, at the same time. An overblown houseplant, put in the garden a few years ago. Every year this plant gets more beautiful, it's more like a shrub now :) The Pine tree has a lot of new greenery, it grows like cabbage. In the rack are the seeds and the 1-year-old plants of the mini-monsters. The pink stone-carnations are a sweet present.

Hortensia 02
Hertshooi besjes 01

In the sun and seen up close, the Hydrangea flowers are even more beautiful! The Creeping St John's Wort (Hypericum calycinum) is - just like the Snowberry Bush - also forming berries already. They replace the yellow flowers of the previous month. In the old days these yellow flowers were hung above pictures, to ward off evil spirits.

Duizendknoop 01
Duizendknoop 02
Phlox 01
Lavendel 01

An old farmer's garden plant is the Knotweed (Persicaria ampexicaulis), which blooms from July to September. With its beautiful red plumes it still looks good in any border, including ours! The bumblebees also love the knotweed, one just flew into the picture. A search and find photo! :D

The white Phlox flowers bloom from July up to and including September and grows up to 90cm high. In full bloom the white of the flowers almost gives light in the back of the garden in the evening, so pretty!

Finally the wonderfully scented Lavender, very attractive to bees, but people also like this scent a lot. At snazzie we like the 'regular' type with blue flowers and the typical grey-green leaves the most, but nowadays there are also pink and white lavender varieties. Lavender is a real summer bloomer, so now at its best!

It is unbelievable how quickly this strange year has gone by again. Autumn is already beginning when you read our next garden blog! Nature doesn't let anything stop it, it just goes on as usual, it always adapts. Just like we had to do for over a year and a half and it's not over yet! You do what you have to do. Keep being careful and above all: stay safe!

See you all in September!