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The vacation books

for the summer of 2020
Info and Summer

So nice that there are so many beautiful books to choose from - old and new - to choose from, especially at this time, now that we all are a bit more at home! Relaxing on the beach or in the garden with a nice book is a favorite activity at snazzie, in the summer. Everyone from mini to maxi monster loves being read to or reading, so these are our favorite Summer Holiday Books.

We start with the youngest, up to 5 years

Nijntje aan zee
Naar de markt
Was ik maar

Miffy on Holiday! - Dick Bruna - € 6.95, a classic!

Naar de Markt - Noëlle Smit - € 8.99 in Dutch, cozy

Was ik maar - Mies van Hout - € 14.95 - in Dutch, sweet

5 years and up

De wetenschap van het ei home
Kapitein nemo
Paco en de hiphop

De wetenschap van het ei - Cécile Jugla - € 11.95 in Dutch, with experiments

The Clue is in the Poop - Andy Seed - € 19.95, adventurous

Kapitein Nemo - Winnie Ang - € 17.95 in Dutch, beautiful!

Paco en de HipHop - Magali Le Huche - € 17.95 - in Dutch, a muzic lesson ;))

10 years and up

Wie is de baas van de zuidpool
Schaduw van de leeuw
Sterren kijken
Waarom jij van sterrenstof bent

Wie is de baas van de Zuidpool? - Marc Vanspauwen - € 7.90 - in Dutch, politics for kids

Schaduw van de Leeuw - Linda Dielemans - € 16.99 - in Dutch, pre-history & fiction

Sterren kijken voor kinderen - Lannoo - € 15.99, stunning & non-fiction

Waarom jij van sterrenstof bent - Esther Walraven - € 16.99, Science & cool experiments

Later we will return to some of these books extensively, for now have fun reading!