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Vegetarian cannelloni

by Michel Roux Jr.
Main Courses, Italian, With Cheese, With fresh vegetables, and Vegetarian
Aubergine canneloni sidepic

Vegetarian Cannelloni
2 banana shallots
olive oil to fry in
250g mixed mushrooms
60ml single or double cream
1 large aubergine
100g blue cheese
6 plum tomatoes
3 tbspoons apple cider vinegar
1 tbspoon dark brown sugar
2 garlic cloves + pinch chili flakes
1 tbspoon tomato puree
a bunch coriander
sea salt and freshly ground pepper

Aubergine canneloni sidepic ll

The original recipe by Michel Roux Jr for vegetarian canellonni is not a children's favorite, but if we replace the blue cheese with Mozzarella and Parmigiano Reggiano, it's another story. If we, on top of this, fry chips to go with it, we'll have a family dinner after all!

How to make vegetarian cannelonni
Start with the filling

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Chop the shallots.

Cut the mushrooms finely.

Fry 1 shallot soft in oil.

Fry the mushrooms too.

Add the (single) cream, stir it into the filling, allow it to simmer until the sauce thickens

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Cut the aubergine lengthwise into slices of 3mm thickness.

Dry fry the aubergine slices on medium heat.

Grill until soft with charred stripes.

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Spoon some filling on the aubergine slices.

Roll up the slices then place them in an oven dish.

the sauce

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Put tomatoes in boiling water until the skin peels.

Simmer vinegar, sugar, garlic and 1 shallot.

Peel and scoop the pips from the tomatoes.

Chop the tomatoes and the coriander roughly.

Add salt and ground chili flakes to taste. When the sauce has become syrupy add the tomato puree and the fresh tomatoes, simmer a few minutes then add the coriander.

how to finish the cannelloni

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Cover the cannelloni in cheese.

Place the dish under a hot grill.

Until the cheese browns and melts.

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Aubergine cannelloni home

It is nice you can prepare this dish in advance. Tomato sauce on top and served with chips and a green salad, that's what we call a family dinner. Enjoy!

Healthy too because the oraganic veg comes from Rechtstreex, as always ;)