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The Winter garden

a photo report by the monsters
Info, Outdoor Play, Winter, and Learn while playing

The mini monsters love the garden just likewe do, they see something beautiful or special outside in every season. They are used to going outside in any type of weather, that's what we're doing too. Besides, at school they also play outside, rain or shine!

Kralingse bos sidepic
Kralingse bos sidepicll

At the end of February it was still quite cold, but the plan to make a photo report in the garden had firmly set in their little minds. They also love photography, that means taking pictures, not so much beiing in the photographs themselves :))

Wintertuin 01
Wintertuin 02
Wintertuin 03
Wintertuin 04

We watch the  birds in the garden every day, we have shown our pictures before on snazzie. But photographing the woodpecker was impossible. Maybe small people are less threatening to birds because the woodpecker's photograph was taken in half a minute by the little monsters.

First at the very top of the tree, when the bird first arrived and then hanging from the jar with bird peanut butter. Oh look, pigeon on the edge of the roof, snap, it's done. Bird in full flight? No problem, you either can take good photos or you can not. ;))

Wintertuin 05
Wintertuin 06
Wintertuin 07

The photo of the snowdrops is a favorite of Puk, he thinks they are the most beautiful of all the flower bulbs. Because they were growing a bit thin in the garden, we took him to the Kralingse forest. There snowdrops bloom in abundance.

Those snowdrops he also photographed and beautifully so, just like the crocuses, see his pictures above. The other flowers and berry pictures are all made here, in the garden. Including the half-eaten mini tulips.

Wintertuin 08
Wintertuin 09
Wintertuin 10
Wintertuin 11
The Helleborus blooms amazingly, every year, as does the Skimmia and the berries of the Dwarf Medlar are still sitting happily on the bush. We even have mushrooms in the garden. They grow on a sawn-off tree trunk and the monsters just love them! They look for gnomes, bu no luck there.
Wintertuin 12
Wintertuin 13

We have fat balls, peanuts and sunflower seeds hanging in the garden, there is also bird peanut butter (very popular!) and we also spread bird seed for wild birds. Then of course you will get many birds visiting, we see a lot of different bird species.

But before the birds enter the garden, they first look in from a safe distance, to see if there is any unwanted company in the garden. Those birds are real smart and that's a good thing, because many neighbors have cats, So far the birds are doing very well, much to the delight of the little monsters! They hope you like their pictures.

Happy Winter!