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The Bolus from Zeeland

is the best!
Dutch and Pastry
Zeeuwse bolussen sidepic

Shopping list
500g wheat flour
15g caster sugar
½ free range organic egg
1 teaspoon salt
50g fresh yeast
215 ml water
50 ml milk
25g butter
250g dark brown sugar
4 tablespoons cinnamon

Zeeuwse bolussen sidepicll
Arrived in Zeeland today we bake Zeeland Bolussen. The recipe is for 10 pieces but half is enough for us, even though they are very tasty! They rise (in total) in 25 - 30 minutes and they also bake briefly, so they are ready really quickly. Moreover, you eat them warm from the oven!
How to make Bolussen from Zeeland
Zeeuwse bolussen 01
Zeeuwse bolussen 02
Zeeuwse bolussen 03
Zeeuwse bolussen 04

Put the flour, sugar, salt and yeast in the mixer bowl.

Beat the egg and weigh the right amount.

Add the egg to the ingredients in the mixer bowl.

Add the water and the milk as well.

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Zeeuwse bolussen 06
Zeeuwse bolussen 07

Mix it all together in +/- 6 minutes.

Mix in the butter in the last 4 minutes.

Knead the dough a minute by hand.

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Zeeuwse bolussen 10
Zeeuwse bolussen 11

Divide the dough in pieces.

Weighing them to 80g each.

Place the balls on the baking tray.

Cover the dough balls.

Let the dough rest for about 20 minutes

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Zeeuwse bolussen 13
Zeeuwse bolussen 14
Zeeuwse bolussen 15

Roll the dough into 30cm long strands.

Stir the cinnamon into the dark brown sugar.

Wet the strands then roll them into the sugar mixture.

Twist the strands in an eight and flatten a little.

Let the bolussen rest for another 5 minutes and preheat the oven to 225°C

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Zeeuwse bolussen 17
Zeeuwse bolussen homepage

Bake the bolussen for 7 minutes.

Place the bolussen upside down on a platter.

Eat straight away while warm!

The last two recipes from the provinces slide to the end of this month because of Easter, Eid al Fitr and King's Day, but we won't forget!