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Recycling pine cones

for the birds
Waldorf crafts, Kitchen Garden, Info, Animal Day, Animal Crafts, Winter, and Recycling
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What do you need?
Pine cones
a jar of wild bird peanutbutter
bird seed, for wild birds

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In October it is not yet cold and bleak outside, like in winter, for the wild birds. In our garden every day all kinds of birds come to see if there is anything to eat and we have lots of insects for them. We see great tits and blue tits, blackbirds, jackdaws, magpies and robins. But on Animals Day of course we do not send them on their way with empty claws ;) Our youngest mini-monsters are already real bird friends, so we make simple bird feeders with them. We put in a lot of lovely peanut butter, because the birds love it just as much as our little monsters!

How to make pine cone bird feeders
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Tie a string in the pine cone finishing in a loop.

Fill one bowl with peanutbutter and one with bird seed.

Cover the pine cones all around  in peanutbutter.

Cover the peanutbutter with the bird seed.

Vogelvoer 05
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Place the pine cone om baking paper and make some more.

Now we find a good spot in the garden to hang the bird feeders.

The pine cones are very handy for the birds, they can sit nicely on top and eat their tummy round and full. Now we want to take their picture, but that is not so easy!