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These Astronauts

look good enough to eat!
Biscuits, Candy, and Treat
Space koekjes sidepic

Shopping List
125g plain flour
75g butter (room temperature)
75g fine sugar

½ small free range egg (room temperature)
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
½ teaspoon baking powder
white fondant icing
a piece of blue and red fondant icing
edible glitter, silver

Space koekjes home
Why do we (almost) always use rolled fondant or simple icing with only water and lemon on our cookies? Our mini monsters really like fondant icing and a glaze too. We prefer chocolate or nuts etc. but we mainly bake for and with the kids, so that's why.
Royal icing can be beautiful and if you use pasteurized egg whites, it is also ok for children, but the kids find such a thick layer of sugar too sweet (fortunately). We roll out the fondant very thinly and it can also easily be removed, if you do not like it.
In addition, we do not like biscuits which are perfect, after all biscuits are to eat. Soon we will put the recipe for Royal icing on snazzie, then you can choose what you prefer to use ;)

Here is how we made - using our Christmas cutters - astronauts and stars for our little lovers of the universe
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Stir baking powder and flour together.

Place butter and sugar in a bowl.

Beat together until creamy.

Whisk in egg and vanilla.

Sieve the flour with the baking powder and add it in halves.

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Whisk until the flour is well combined.

Knead the dough quickly.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Allow the dough to rest for at least 1 hour in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 170°C


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Bake the biscuits for 10-12 minutes.

Allow the biscuits to cool on a rack.

Cut stars out of white icing.

Stick them on the stars.

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Sprinkle on some glitter

Thinly roll out white fondant.

Cut out the astronauts and stick them on.

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Cut out helmet shields of light blue icing.

Score arms and legs and stick on badges.

Space koekjes recipe