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Vegetarian winter pasta

packed with vegetables!
Winter, Italian, With fresh vegetables, Pasta, and Vegetarian
Winter pasta sidepic

Shopping list
200g sweet potatoes
200g parsnips
200g carrots
150g red onions
2 big or 3-4 small cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
75 ml clear honey
sprigs of rosemary
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
500g pasta
800 ml passata

Vegetarian winter pasta sidepicll

This vegetarian pasta from the British chef James Martin is easy to make and quickly ready. Even faster if you buy cut vegetables but at snazzie we like to do everything ourselves ;) because we prefer to use the fresh locale vegetables from Rechtstreex

James Martin is a cook who likes to keep his dishes simple but fresh and with great taste. And who carries a warm heart for the family recipe and that's why snazzie carries a warm heart for James Martin.

How to make his winter paste

Winter pasta 01
Winter pasta 02
Winter pasta 03
Winter pasta 04

Peel all vegetables.

Cut them in large pieces.

Wash and dry the vegatables.

Crush the garlic.

Bring a large pan of water with salt to taste to the boil and preheat the oven to 200°C

Winter pasta 05
Winter pasta 06
Winter pasta 07

Place vegetables and garlic in an oven dish, drizzle on olive oil and honey.

Season the vegetables to taste with salt and pepper, place rosemary on top.

Place the ovendish for approximately 20 minutes in the hot oven.

Toss the vegetables after 10 minutes so they can soften and brown on all sides.

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Winter pasta 08
Winter pasta 10
Winter pasta 11

Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions.

We use Paccheri but any type of pasta will do.

Remove the veg from the oven then remove the garlic.

Transfer the vegetables to a saucepan, add the passata.

Winter pasta 12
Vegetarian winter pasta home

Bring the sauce to the boil, let it simmer softly for two minutes.

Spoon sauce on top of the pasta, serve with some rosemary.

Serve the pasta with shaved Padano cheese and a fresh green salad