Let's Talk About - Dinosaurs
Author: Harriet Blackford
Illustrator: Britta Teckentrup
Series: Let's Talk About
Original language: English
Published: September 2015
Publisher: Boxer Books
EAN: 9781910126523
Price: € only used (HC)
Age: 4 years old and up
British author Harriet Blackford wrote a non-fiction series of picturebooks for young children about various animals. She did this in a fun and understandable way so her books are a great succes with children. Many times she got awarded for her picture books.
Our young monsters love this Dinosaur part of the series, which we are reading at the moment. The are very interested in the species as a whole and the fun facts about them, that are mentioned in the book.
The clean but colourful pictures by German illustrator Britta Teckentrup illustrate the text in a cheerful way. Especially the pictures with baby dinosaurs are very much appreciated here :))
3 radiant shining stars for Let's talk about - Dinosaurs, from our little listeners and their out-loud readers!