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Doyenné du Comice

poached pears in light sweet Sauternes
French, Desserts, and With fresh fruit
Pear in sauternes side
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3 - 6 ripe pears
1 orange, juice, zest and peel
200 ml Sauternes
75 ml of water
25 grams of honey
100 grams of sugar (we used 50g!)
Juice of 1 lemon
4 cloves
1 vanilla pod
1 cinnamon stick
Peer in sauternes sidell

To snazzie the most delicious pear is de Doyenné du Comice, it's big, sweet and juicy. So why Michel Roux Jr. (our all time favorite chef) prefers the Conferance we don't know but stubborn as we are at snazzie we use the Doyenne. And we also discard half the sugar in the recipe, now we're at it ;)


How to make these delicious pears

Pear in sauternes 1
Pear in sauternes 2
Pear in sauternes 00
Pear in sauternes 3

Measure the water and pour it in a pan.

Break the cinnamon stick and add it to the water.

Cut the vanilla pod open and add it also,

Squeeze the lemons and add the juice to the pan.

Pear in sauternes 5
Pear in sauternes 6
Pear in sauternes 7

Measure the honey and pour it into the pan.

Add the weighed sugar.

Squeeze half an orange and add the juice.

Pear in sauternes 8
Pear in sauternes 10
Pear in sauternes 9
Pear in sauternes 11

Scrub the wax off the half oranges, grate the skin of one half over the pan.

Measure the correct amount of white wine and add it.

Peel the skin of the unused half orange and scrape out the white membrane.

Cut the orange peel into thin strips and add the orange strips to the pan.

Bring the contents of the pan to the boil and turn the heat low, keep stirring occasionally.

Pear in sauternes 12
Pear in sauternes 13
Pear in sauternes 14

Cut a zigzag pattern in the top of the pears.

Peel the bottom of the pear with a peeler.

Carefully cut the tips of the zigzag neat.

Pear in sauternes 15
Pear in sauternes 16
Pear in sauternes 17
Pear in sauternes 18

Remove the core carefully from below, using a corer.

Do not stab through to the top, the stalk must stay on.

Place the pears for +/- 10 minutes in the fragrant juice.

Divide the juice through a sieve over the deep plates.

Cooking tip! Use a tight fitting pan so the pears stay standing up otherwise they fall over because of the hole in the bottom. The riper the pears the less time they need to soften.

Pear in sauternes 19
Pear in sauternes 20
Pear in sauternes home

Place each pear with a spoon for support in the middle of the plate.

Take some orange peel from the sieve and put some on the plates.

Our favorite dessert looks natural and stunning in it's simplicity.

3 sparkling snazzie-stars for Michel Roux!