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The Three Wise Men

The Story of the Three Kings
Waldorf crafts, Picture Book, Winter, Christmas, and Celebrations around the World
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The Three Wise Men
Author/Illustrator: Loek Koopmans
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: Floris Books
Published: September 2020
Publisher: Floris Books
EAN: 9781782507222
Price: €12.99 (HC)
Age: 4 years old and up

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Today we read Three Wise Men to the little monsters, a beautiful picture book written and illustrated by painter/illustrator Loek Koopmans. His watercolours in soft pastel shades are so beautiful, that alone would make you want to buy this book.

The little monsters already know the old familiar story, it is also read to them in school. But they still listen with fascination when it is read to them again. Especiallia this version of the book is a favorite. Even the youngest can see the illustrations are truly beautiful, as is the story..

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3 bright shining stars for Three Wise Men, from the little listeners and their readers!