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Growing grapes

in your own garden
Kitchen Garden, Info, and Autumn
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What do you need?
a few grape plants
a firm grid (to lead the plants)
binding wire
a spade
a bag calcareous soil

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Growing grapes in the Netherlands? Is easier than you might think. With nowadays strong varieties which are available for the amateur horticulturist, everyone with a free sunny spot in the garden can eat grapes from their own grape vines. But you do need patience, it takes an average of 1-3 years before edible grapes appear on your vines.

Start by searching your garden for the best place to plant the grapes.

You're looking for a place in full sun, with enough space, and preferably with something of support. A fence, wall, or pergola would be handy. Plant the grapes 25 centimeters from fence or wall or 10 centimeters from a pergola.

When the right spot is found spade it out and rake the calcareous soil through. Plant the grapes, water the plants regular and give them fertilizer and compost.

Download snazzie's information to make sure you have a good harvest!

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Plant grapes between September and March. Dig a large hole so the roots have room and plant the grape at the same depth as in the pot.

Plant grapes in the full sunlight. If next to a fence or pergola, it's perfect. If not then there is a fence needed to guide the grapevines as they grow.

Now you have to wait, give some water and once a year compost. Binding, pruning and eventually harvesting remain.

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We can't wait until we hold the first little bunch of home grown grapes in our hands!