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Double chocolate cookies

by Michel Roux Jr
With chocolate, French, Biscuits, and Treat
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125g butter, softened
1 free range egg yolk
60g soft brown sugar
1 tablespoon honey
pinch salt / pinch baking powder
130g plain flour
45g cocoa powder
100g white chocolate, pieces

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A recipe for easy double chocolate cookies by Michel Roux, favorite chef number 1 on snazzie, has to be great. That just can not disappoint and it did not ;) The cookies are soft and crumbly with an intense chocolate flavour, very tasty indeed!

Here's how you make double chocolate cookies

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Beat butter and sugar creamy.

Add egg, honey and salt.

Stir flour, baking powder, cocoa.

Add it sifted, in parts.

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Mix until combined, do not overwork it.

Weigh 100g chocolate chunks.

Fold into the dough.

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.

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Roll the dough into a cylinder then wrap in cling film.

Place the dough into the fridge for 45 minuten.

Cut the dough into thick slices.

Place on waxed paper, bake 15 minutes.

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Straight from the oven the cookies are soft, cool them slightly.

Serve quickly, yummy!