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A thousand things about Holland

an addition to picture book Holland
Picture Book, Reading Book, and informative and educational
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A thousand things about Holland
Author/Illustrator: Charlotte Dematons
Author: Jesse Goossens
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English by: Jesse Goossens
Published: May 2013
Publisher: Lemniscaat B.V.
ISBN: 9781935954293
Price: € 9.99 (paperback)
Age: 7 – 100 years

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About 2 months ago Holland - by Charlotte Dematons - was snazzie's book of the week. A beautiful picture book without words that shows us the Netherlands through new glasses. We found words superfluous, because the detailed prints are so eloquent and beautiful. But now an appendix (irreverently said) has come to the book Holland. A book that gives a lot of explanation to the images and that's so much fun!

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Of course you first look for your own place of residence, how much fun is that! Then we see parties in Amsterdam, water in Zeeland and Carnival in Limburg, for example. The whole country is discussed, there are tidbits and fun facts that we didn't know yet, while we are born in the Netherlands! A lovely book that we can wholeheartedly recommend to everyone, Dutchies and expats alike!

3 bright shining stars for A Thousand Things About Holland!