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This Book Is Full Of Monsters

Horribly Scary!
Picture Book, Halloween, Funny, and Exciting
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This Book Is Full Of Monsters
Author/Illustrator: Guido van Genechten
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English by: Clavis Bvba
Released: August 2017
Publisher: Clavis Publisher
ISBN13: 9781605373607
Price: € 16.99 (HC)
Age: from 4 years

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On the third day of the Children's Book Week we read picture book This is a book full of monsters, by Guido van Genechten. We read along with the children's book week theme Horribly Scary and what's scarier than a book full of monsters. One monster is even creepier than the other and they are not just scary and creepy they are terribly grose as well.

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In this book you will find a parade of the nastiest, dirtiest, scariest, creepiest monsters and even though you see the warning signs, it can still scare you! Watch what you're getting into! You have to be able to take a monster punch to read this book!

2 horribly scary stars for This Book Is Full Of Monsters, from our little monsters and the big readers!