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A Double Chocolate Cake

on a Sunday Picnic!
With chocolate, Pastry, With whipped Cream, With fresh fruit, and Picnic Dishes
Chocolate cake sidepic

Shopping list
150g softened butter + 2 tablespoons  
150g sifted icing sugar             
4 free range organic eggs, separated
150g dark chocolate, melted           
50g almond flour
125g self-raising flour                  
½ teaspoon baking powder                   
125g milk chocolate              
40g butter                          
1 tablespoon honey                    
raspberries  and/or whipped cream

Chocolate cake sidepicll

Today we bake an airy double chocolate cake which was supposed to be a chocolate bundt cake. Unfortunately our mold was too small for the batter, so therefore it is a round cake. Don't worry, the cake tastes just as good! Because chocolate and raspberries are a great combination, we garnish with raspberries and to make the cake even more decadent, we also add whipped cream. The size of our spring form is 20cm in diameter.

How to make the double chocolate cake

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Chocolate cake 01
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Grease the baking tin and clamp baking paper.

Chop the dark chocolate finely, put in a heatproof bowl.

Melt the chocolate on a pan of boiling water.

Remove the chocolate from the heat, stir quickly smooth.

Allow the chocolate to cool for 15 minutes and meanwhile start on the batter

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Place the butter into the mixer.

Sieve in the icing sugar, mix until creamy.

Seperate an egg and add the yolk.

Mix the egg yolk into the butter mixture and save the egg white

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Repeat until all 4 yolks are incorperated.

Beat until the batter is very airy and smooth.

Then fold the chocolate into the batter.

Beat in almond flour, flour and baking powder.

Set the cake batter aside and clean the mixing bowl.

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Beat the 4 egg whites stiff.

Stiff but not too dry.

Add 2 heaped tablespoons to the batter.

Fold all egg whites into the batter.

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Spoon the batter into the spring form.

Bake the cake 40 - 45 minutes.

Meanwhile chop the milk chocolate.

Place the milk chocolate in a fireproof bowl and melt it again au bain marie

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Add the butter and honey.

Stir removed from the heat.

Pour the chocolate on top.

Pipe the cream around the cake.

Chocolate cake home
Chocolate cake 22

Place raspberries on top and let the chocolate set.

Cut the chocolate cake in triangles and pipe on cream.

Extra delicious with coffee or tea!