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A sustainable Birthday Crown

you make it from woollen felt
Waldorf crafts, Wool Felt, Birthday, Sewing and embroidery, Winter, and Needlework
Verjaardags kroon winter sidepic

What do you need?
wool felt in winter colours
matching embroidery thread
embroidery needles
a pretty ribbon
carded wool, various colours
foam block
wool felting needle

Verjaardags kroon winter sidepicll

Making a birthday crown for a January birthday girl or boy is a really fun project. We'll keep it simple, we will needle felt the crown with Nepal wool. What do our monsters love most in the winter? Snow and ice! As soon as there's even a tiny layer on the car, they start hoping. Maybe there'll be a lot tomorrow and we can play in the snow. Unfortunately, they haven't had any luck yet. First download and print the pattern and then you can get started!

How to needle vilt a Winter Birthday crown

First make the crown and choose pretty winter colours felt

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Pin the crown precisely onto the felt.

Cut out the crown, remove the pattern.

Pin the pattern a little higher on the second colour of felt.

Cut out part 2 of the crown, it will be slightly higer than part 1.

Put the 2nd part of the crown aside, you will needle felt the first part

When needle felting, make sure you always keep the needle upright when pricking, otherwise the needle may break.
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Place a strand of white woll on the underside.

Fasten the wool by pricking it in waves.

Place a strand of wool round in the middle.

Prick a small circle, bend the wool down and then back up again, prick the wool and there comes the 8, prick here any number you need

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Needle felt the 8 all around.

Make 2 uneven balls of white.

Prick them onto the crown.

Prick on 2 small balls too.

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Prick 2 black buttons on your snowman's belly.

Prick eyes as well and an orange carrot nose on it's head.

Roll little flakes of snow and prick them around your snowman.

The left side of the birthday crown is now - more or less - ready

On the right side we want to felt snowy branches with a bird and some snowdrops underneath


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Place gray 'branches' and green 'stems' on the right.

Prick the branches, snow, stems and flowers on.

Needle felt a little Robin onto the branches.

Fill up the crown with snowflakes where needed

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Felt the snowman a cheerful coloured scarf.

Place the ribbon between the parts of the crown.

Pin the 2 parts of the crown together.

How to assemble the birthday Crown

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Tie on the thread and blanket stitch the crown all around.

Bear loves the wintry Birthday Crown!

Happy Birthday Bearie!