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An Egyptian Cartouche

we make this week
Painting, History, Claying, Science, and Learn while playing
Egyptische cartouche sidepic

What do you need?
self-drying clay
clay knife
acrylic paint, in different colors
gold paint
paint brushes
a paint sealer (varnish)

Egyptische cartouche sidepicll

Our third Egyptian craft is making a cartouche. A catouche is an - approximately - oval shape containing the name of a Pharaoh or other important person. They can be found on sarcophagi so that people know who is in the coffin, but sometimes they are also chiseled off by grave robbers. Even in ancient times!

Today we make a catouche of clay ourselves. Not with a name (that would also nunen) but with well-known Egyptian symbols in 3D. But watch out! Drying the clay takes at least 1 - 2 days. Then we paint it and when the paint is dry we use a matt clay varnish to keep the paint long lasting.

How to you make a cartridge

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Knead the clay until soft.

Roll the clay to 2cm thickness.

Cut a rectangle.

Shape the corners round.

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Roll a long, thin cylinder.

Stick the cylinder on with some water.

Shape the bottom ornament.

Make an Ankh, a snake and a scarab (dung beetle) on the cartouche

  • the Snake is not hard, roll a small cylinder
  • start the Dung Beetle by rolling a ball
  • The Ankh (the key to healing) is the shape of the human form
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Roll a ball and cut in half.

Make legs on the beetle.

Clay an Ankh, draw water.

Stick on 2 triangles.

Let the clay dry for at least 1 - 2 days and don't forget to turn the cartridge regularly, while the clay is drying!

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Now the Cartouche is almost dry.

Choose colours after your own idea.

In between colours let the paint dry well.

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Egyptische cartouche homepage

Seal the paint on the cartouche using matte varnish.

Give your Egyptian cartouche the best spot!

Next week we make our last Egyptian craft, a secret hiding place for your Egyptian treasures!