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Funny little pumpkin lights

made with paper mache
Paper & Cardboard and Paper Maché
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What do you need?
orange tissue paper
wallpaper glue
water balloons
lancing device
some cord
a black marker

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How to make little pumpkin lights

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Make wallpaper glue as indicated on the package.

Blow up the balloons and cut strips of tissue paper.

Rub glue all over the balloons.

Wrap some overlapping strips of tissue paper around them.

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Press on the strips gently. In between, wash your hands otherwise more paper will stick on you.

First place the balloons on paper to dry, then place them bottoms up in een egg cup.

Stick with a pin tiny holes in the balloons to slowly release the air.

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Cut off the knots you made in the balloons.

Cut around the top so a LED light fits in.

The pumpkins look pretty already like this.

Draw scary faces on the little pumpkins.

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Thread a cord through the sides and tie knots at the ends.

Now you can hang the pumpkin lights in the window, Happy Halloween!