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Baking weekend white bread

can be quick and easy
Dutch and Baking Bread
Weekend brood sidepic

Shopping list
500g self-rising flour
half a teaspoon of sea salt, or to your taste
33 cl pale blond lager (Heineken)
2 tablespoons of good olive oil

Weekend brood sidepicll

For a change also delicious on the weekend, crispy freah white bread! And thanks to the covid19 virus we have plenty of time ;) But ... how is it possible! This bread is made quickly and you don't need a lot of groceries. That is also nice in this difficult time!

Here is how you make crispy white bread

Preheat the oven to 200°C, place waxed paper on the baking tray and sprinkle the baking mat with flour.

Weekend brood 01
Weekend brood 02
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Sieve flour and salt in a mixing bowl.

Add the oil and the beer.

Mix all with the dough hook.

Knead the dough swiftly by hand.

The dough feels sticky so sprinkle on some more flour while kneading. Wet your hands and part the dough in two even pieces.

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Weekend brood 06
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Form two round breads from the dough.

Score the breads using a sharp knife.

Place the breads on the baking tray.

Sprinkle a little water on the breads and sieve some flour on top of both.

Bake the breads for 20 minutes with only bottom heating then turn on both top and bottom heat and bake for 40 - 50 minutes.

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Weekend brood 09

Allow the bread to cool on a wire rack.

Have a lovely weekend!

A small side note: The bread has risen, due to the self-rising flour and the beer, but less than expected. Next time we bake it we add a teaspoon of baking powder, for extra fluffy bread.