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A nice fresh apple cake

It is almost October!
With apples, Waldorf crafts, British, Autumn, Pastry, and With whipped Cream
Appelcake sidepic

Shopping list
200g soft butter + extra
150g caster sugar
3 large free range organic eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
150g plain flour
50g cornflour
2 teaspoons baking powder
900g Elstar apples
200 ml whipped cream
2 tablespoons fine sugar

Appelcake sidepicll

October is the apple month, so today we bake a delicious fresh apple cake, with whipped cream on the side for those who love it. You can also sprinkle the cake with icing sugar, but we'll have it with whipped cream and you can choose too!

How to make an apple cake

Appelcake 01
Appelcake 02
Appelcake 03
Appelcake 04

Mix butter and sugar creamy.

Add the vanilla extract.

Beat in the eggs, one by one.

Until all is well combined.

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Appelcake 06
Appelcake 07

Sift flour, corn flour and baking powder into the mixing bowl.

Fold it into the butter mixture, using a silicone spatula.

Grease the baking tin and clamp waxed paper on the bottom.

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Appelcake 11

Peel and slice the apples.

Spoon the batter into the tin.

Place the apple slices in circles

Put the tin in the lowest 1/3 of the oven.

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Appelcake 14

Bake the cake in 45 -50 minutes golden brown and cooked.

Allow the cake to cool in the tin, then on a wire rack.

Whip the cream until stiff, while the cake is cooling.

Appelcake 15
Appelcake home

Serve the apple cake wit the whipped cream on the side.

Delicious with coffee or tea!

Happy Autumn!