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A Spring salad

with asparagus, chicken and eggs
Lunch, British, Main Courses, Chicken & Poultry, and Salad
Spring salad sidepic
10 new potatoes
100g dandelion salad
2 spring onions, finely sliced
200g smoked chicken
8 baby asparagus spears
4 baby carrots, sliced
50g of peas
100g chestnut mushrooms, quartered

2 spring onions, finely sliced
4 radishes, sliced finely
6 quails eggs
2 large free range eggs
2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
100ml olive oil & 15g tarragon, just leaves
Spring salad sidepicll

This delicious Spring salad is a complete meal, with new potatoes, chicken & egg, lots of fresh vegetables and a dragon dressing. It takes some preparation but it is easy to do and also quickly ready, that's why it is also a lovely Easter dish. The shopping list is for 4 persons but easily to multiply if there will be guests.

How to make the Spring salad

The preparation

Spring salad 01
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Spring salad 03

Scrub the potatoes under a running tap.

Cook them for approximately 15 minutes.

Slice the smoked chicken thinly.

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Peel all vegetables thinly and clean them.

Blanche the asparagus, carrot and peas in +/- 2 minutes.

Plunge them for 30 seconds in ice water.

Then place the quail eggs 2 minutes in the boiling water.

Fry the mushrooms for a few minutes in olive oil.

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Place dandelion salad, onion and chicken on a serving dish.

Place the blanched asparagus, peas and carrots on top.

Then add the halved potatoes and the fried mushrooms.

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Finally top it with halved eggs and sliced radish.

Boil the two eggs until soft in 4 minutes.

Place eggs, oil, vinegar and tarragon in the blender.

Blend all into a thick smooth dressing.

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Spring salad 15

Serve the salad with the dressing on the side or drip some on the salad already. Enjoy!