What do you need?
6 glass jars or glasses
red, yellow and blue water colour
kitchen towels
a syringe
Today we make a magical walking rainbow. We've just read the book Blue and Yellow, which is also about mixing colours.
The magic of the walking rainbow is that you can see the colours 'walk' from one jar into the other, by themselves. Then, just like in nature, the colours will even out in the jars. It looks very beautiful!
How to make a walking rainbow
Fill the syringe halfway with red then squirt it into the jar.
Repeat this with the yellow paint.
And again with the blue paint.
Fold 6 sheets of kitchen paper in half, then do it again and again.
Fill up the three jars with paint with water, almost to the rim.
Put the jars in a circle, alternate 1 full pot, then 1 empty pot.
Hang the folded kitchen paper in the jars like you see in the picture.
And now you have to wait and see if the magic will happen, are the colours walking?
YES! In the empty jars you see the missing colours of the rainbow appear!
Sadly purple did not turn out as pretty as the other colours.
Place the rainbow in front of the window so that the sun can shine through it and see how beautiful it is!