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A Liege Salad

you make it like this
With egg, Main Courses, With fresh vegetables, Belgian, and Salad
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500g baby potatoes
300g Haricot Verts
4 organic eggs
200g smoked bacon
2 shallots
splash of white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon mustard
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
freshly ground black pepper & sea salt

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Today we are making a Liège salad, not a Flemish but a delicious Walloon salad, to be precise. Everything you could possibly want to find in a salad is in it, fresh vegetables, meat, egg and potatoes with a vinegraitte. The salad can be served lukewarm or cold.

How to make a Liège salad

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Wash the beans and remove the ends.

Cook the beans al dente in 10 minutes.

Rinse immediately under the cold tap.

Drain the beans and let them cool.

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Fry the bacon in a skillet.

Slice the shallots into rings.

Fry the shallots glassy with the bacon.

Deglaze with a splash of vinegar.

While the bacon drains you cook the eggs.

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Put the eggs on in cold water.

Cook them for 7 minutes.

Rinse the eggs under the cold tap.

How to make the vinaigrette

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Put olive oil, vinegar and mustard in a bowl.

Whisk it firmly until combined.

Season with sea salt and black pepper.

Fry the potatoes until golden and let cool

Plate up the salad

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Place the beans and potatoes on a platter.

Sprinkle with bacon and onions and place the eggs on top.

Drizzle the vinegraitte over the salad or serve it on the side. Enjoy!